At Resources for Resilience, we share practical tools and research-based resources that people of all ages can use to manage stress and find compassion and connection. Our trainings and professional development workshops help participants work together to prevent future adversity and create healthier, more resilient communities.LEARN MORE
Reconnect for Resilience™ teaches people about the biological effects of stress and offers a set of easy-to-use tools to help them stay healthy and resilient during tough times. In this 14-hour trauma-informed and resiliency-focused training, participants first learn what happens to our brains and bodies when we experience adversity and then practice tools to better manage stress, strengthen relationships, and build resilience in themselves and others.
Reconnect is designed to promote a culture of resilience in homes, schools, and organizations. It is available to all community members, as well as to helping professionals and the people they serve. Our goal is to help entire communities develop a common language around the science of stress and resilience and to provide practical tools that anyone can use to feel better and to thrive.
Have you ever felt so mad you couldn’t think straight? Or found yourself endlessly scrolling on your phone after an overwhelming day at work? Does it feel like you’re on a rinse and repeat cycle with pressure building up around you? When we experience ongoing stress, our bodies react in ways that make it feel hard to get off this merry-go-round.
Join us for a 1-hour Reconnect for Better Days presentation to learn why this happens to us and, most importantly, what we can do about it. We’ll pull back the curtain on these difficult experiences and explain the science behind what goes on in our brains and bodies when we are stressed. When we understand what’s happening to us, we can learn to spot problems as they arise and use practical tools in the moment that help us feel better and experience better days.
Do ever feel frustrated when your child is upset and can’t seem to hear you, or struggle to connect with your teen when they’re having a bad day?
You’re not alone! Parents and caregivers often feel this way and wonder if they’re getting it right. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your child – and yourself – get through even the hardest days.
Join us for 1 hour as we talk about why kids think, feel, and act the way they do, especially during tough times. We’ll also share some everyday tools that you can use to boost your connection and support your children and teens.
Big events can hit us hard and affect us in many ways. Our 1-hour Listening Circles help people name what is hardest about them and practice tools that can help with the stress, right now. Contact us any time to schedule a Listening Circle for your organization, community, or school.
After attending the 14-hour Reconnect for Resilience™ training, those who would like to deepen their knowledge and build their confidence using the Resiliency Tools are eligible to attend our Resiliency Champions workshop.
Resiliency Champions receive in-depth support and technical assistance from the Resources for Resilience™ team as they explore new ways to promote trauma-informed and resiliency-focused programs within the organizations and communities they serve. Throughout this workshop, participants will be given concrete ideas to support the introduction of the Resiliency Tools where they live and work and will identify ways to sustain their resiliency-building efforts over time.
High school students face unique challenges and need support now more than ever. Our 8-hour Resiliency Ambassadors for Youth, or R.A.Y., program helps them tap into their resilience and gives them tools to support others during hard times. Contact us any time to schedule a R.A.Y. workshop for your school community.
This specialized leadership workshop is designed for leaders like you who want to do more to build resilience in their staff, the people they serve, and themselves. During this 6-hour, interactive event, participants will learn strategies to help staff avoid burnout and strengthen their personal and professional relationships. They will also explore concrete ways to promote a culture of resilience within their organizations, develop a common language around the science of stress management, and learn practical tools to support themselves and others while working in fast-paced and demanding professions.
Resilient Connections practice groups are available virtually in both English and Spanish, and are open to anyone who has participated in a Reconnect for Resilience™ training. They are available at no cost and are an opportunity for past participants to connect with our Resiliency Educators, ask questions and practice with one another, and share ideas for using the resiliency tools at home and at work. Join our mailing for more information about how to connect with us and drop in any time.
This 2-hour workshop is available to any group that has completed a 14-hour Reconnect for Resilience training. It is perfect for groups who want to refresh their confidence using the Resiliency Tools, especially during difficult times.
In this 1-hour workshop, school staff will gain a set of simple, but effective tools to support youth through difficult times and help them learn to better manage their stress. Our facilitators will first introduce participants to the science of stress and explain how it affects students’ developing brains and bodies. Next, they will explore its influence on young people’s learning, behavior, and relationships and consider how it may shape the ways in which students show up each day. Participants will then learn what they can do to promote safety and connection within the school environment and will practice easy-to-use tools that can be used to help students de-stress in the moment and build their resilience over time.
Those who serve our communities give so much to the individuals and families they support. They also understand the toll that stress can take on their mental and physical health if left unaddressed. As they show up to help others each and every day, Resources for Resilience™ is offering them a chance to come together and learn easy-to-use tools to help with their own stress, right now.
Recharging Resilience is a 7-hour workshop designed to refresh and revive the people who see their communities through the toughest of days. If you work in a community-serving role, we invite you to join us to support one another, highlight who and what keeps you going, and practice tools to strengthen your relationships and keep you healthy and resilient during times of stress.